Tag: The Half-Elves

A Half-Elves Short Story

A Half-Elves Short Story

I’m sure you’ve all heard by now about The Half-Elves somewhere along the way. In case you haven’t, it’s what I call my “first good story,” and it’s one that has stuck with me for years, but since writing the second draft I’ve had issues with. I’ve tried rewriting it, I’ve tried troubleshooting, and nothing will make it the way it was back then.

Well last night I went outside and did some writing in the tower of the playhouse in my backyard, because it was a nice night and I’ve been wanting to write outside some evening for a while now that it’s semi warm out. As I had hoped, it helped with my writing, and I actually ended up writing a short story about the characters from The Half-Elves.

I’ve repeatedly found myself wondering what sorts of adventures they went on in my absence, so I decided to try to find out, and I managed to get them acting like themselves, which is a feat I haven’t been able to accomplish in years.

Anyway, without further ado, here’s the short story that I wrote.


Elk smiled as a bird flew right over his head. It was one of many, and one of few not singing.

Sunlight filtered through the trees  and would for about fifteen minutes longer, throwing dappled patterns on the grass.

He breathed in the warm summery air and felt, for the first time in a while, free.

“We’re almost there,” Scarlet said from the front of the group.

It was just the original group this ride, him and his siblings, along with his now-wife Crimson and her twin sister Scarlet.

Well, not quite the original group, he amended. Leafman wasn’t here.

He tried to banish thoughts of his deceased brother and continued on through the forest.

The sound of their horses’ hooves against the forest floor was muffled and soft, and the most pervasive sound was trilling birdsong.

Elk was deep in thought when the group stopped, and he barely stopped his horse before it would have run into Saria’s.

He dismounted and looked around the area that Scarlet had picked for their campsite. It was a rather small clearing, but large enough for their two tents and a campfire.

“I like it,” Saria said, her gaze sweeping the place.

“Scarlet and I used to come here all the time as kids,” Crimson said with a soft smile. “It was us and Auburn, most of the time. After the epidemic we stopped coming.” She gave Saria a smile. “But now new young people can enjoy it.”

Scarlet glanced up at the sky, running a hand through her short red hair.

“The sun will be setting soon. The moon’s already up.”

She glanced at the others with a small mischievous smile that made Elk think of a pixie.

“I know just the place to watch it,” she said, ” so long as no one’s squeamish of heights.”

She didn’t wait for an answer before scampering up a nearby tree.

Elk turned to Crimson.

“Are you sure she’s not half monkey?”

Crimson laughed, her vibrant green eyes lighting up, and climbed up the tree after her sister.

Elk, Saria, and Sarabrina followed, tracing the twins’ path as well as they could and emerging from the upper leaves of the tree just in time to see the horizon a flaming rainbow of purples, oranges, and corals.

Sarabrina let out a long breath.

“It’s beautiful,” she murmured.

“Breathtaking every time,” Crimson agreed with a soft smile.

A breeze blew across the air, ruffling the leaves and shifting Elk’s hair, tickling his ears.

They watched in silence as the sun sank down below the horizon, the sky turned to navy blue velvet, and stars twinkled into sight. It made the sky look like a diamond-studded evening gown.

They climbed down one by one and Scarlet started a fire while Elk set up the tents.

Ten minutes later they were sitting around the campfire, chatting about all sorts of things. Fireflies danced around the camp and surrounding forest, and moths dashed toward the rising flames, darting away quickly before they got burned.

The logs snapped and crackles, mingling with the concert of crickets and spurts of laughter from the campers.

Elk glanced at Crimson. Her rich red hair was framing her face, and fireflies blinked behind her. A moth was dancing around her like a light, and when she smiled he was no longer surprised.

She caught him looking and smiled before looking away again, her gaze as elusive as a will-o’-the-wisp.

“Have I told you the story of my raid on the chief goblin’s tent in Itrea?” Scarlet asked.

“Only about fifteen times,” Saria said with a laugh.

“What about my first hunt in Ambar?”

“You’ve told that one about twenty times,” Sarabrina said.

“Okay, well-”

Saria cut her off.

“Did I tell you about the time Leafman put a jar of spiders on Sarabrina’s pillow?”

Sarabrina moaned.

“Oh please no…”

“She shrieked so loud.”

Everyone laughed except Sarabrina, who had her face in her hands.

“I hate spiders…” she said.

“Noted,” Scarlet said, a mischievous glint in her eye.

Sarabrina looked up and shot her a warning glare.

“Don’t you dare.”

“I wouldn’t dream of it,” Scarlet said with a grin.

They talked until the fire had died down to embers, remembering good times and old friends, before retiring to their tents, and Elk fell asleep to Crimson’s rhythmic breathing and the chirp of crickets.

Character Interview: Amber Arun

Character Interview: Amber Arun

We have our next interview. :) This one is the mother of my favorite character from The Half-Elves, Crimson, and her twin sister Scarlet.


Amber: *takes a seat across from the interviewer, a little uncomfortably* Hello. *gives a bit of a shy smile*

Interviewer: Hello, Amber. How are you?

Amber: I’m doing all right. How are you?

Interviewer: I’m doing well.

Amber: Why do you want to interview me?

Interviewer: Well, as queen of Baarmegan, people are interested in getting to know you.

Amber: Oh. Okay. *gives another weak smile*

Interviewer: Let’s start off with an easy first question. What is your name?

Amber: Amber Treya Arun.

Interviewer: And how old are you?

Amber: I’m thirty-seven.

Interviewer: What is most important to you: Kindness, intelligence or bravery?

Amber: Kindness.

Interviewer: And of these: Honesty or selflessness?

Amber: *takes a minute* Probably honesty, but they’re very close.

Interviewer: What are your hobbies?

Amber: I don’t really have any hobbies. I work in my garden a lot, but that’s about it.

Interviewer: Okay. In your opinion, what are the worst offenses and most disdainful actions?

Amber: I don’t know. I hate seeing people hurt others.

Interviewer: What’s your favorite food?

Amber: Peaches.

Interviewer: What is your favorite color?

Amber: Grey.

Interviewer: Why?

Amber: It’s very unobtrusive. It easily fades into the background.

Interviewer: And would you rather live in any other type of home besides the castle?

Amber: I’d much prefer to have a small house in the village.

Interviewer: And why is that?

Amber: I feel too important in the castle. *shifts uncomfortably*

Interviewer: What job would you rather have?

Amber: I wouldn’t mind running an inn, taking care of people. Or a clinic.

Interviewer: What’s your favorite book?

Amber: I’ve always liked The Adventures of Jaddisi Kane. It’s an old childhood favorite.

Interviewer: What is the one thing you can never leave home without?

Amber: The necklace Edom gave me when we got married. *fingers it, a gold pendant with a small emerald on the front*

Interviewer: Would you call yourself an introvert or extrovert?

Amber: Introvert.

Interviewer: And, I know you’re already married, but if you weren’t, what traits would you look for in a man?

Amber: Someone kind and considerate. Like Edom. *smiles a little*

Interviewer: What is your favorite animal?

Amber: A horse.

Interviewer: And why is that?

Amber: They’re both useful and beautiful.

Interviewer: Do you have any siblings?

Amber: No, but I grew up with my cousins Renaldo, Gena, and Mabella.

Interviewer: I think that’s all for today.

Amber: *nods* Thank you.

Interviewer: No, thank you.

Amber: *smiles a little and leaves*


I hope you enjoyed this. Let me know of any questions you’d like me to ask the next character, and I’ll put them in. :)

Hello to February (Late) & the Beginning of a New Habit (Hopefully)

Hello to February (Late) & the Beginning of a New Habit (Hopefully)

Hello, readers. :) Today I’m going to start something new and start doing monthly posts so that hopefully I’ll get into a habit of writing regularly. So each month I’ll post sort of a round-up of what I’ve read and written over the month past and what my goals are for the coming month. And since this is late, this post will also have what I’ve already read/written over the current month, plus a cool writing tool I discovered. So without further ado, here’s the post.

January’s Reading

Reading is imperative to writing, but even if it weren’t, it would still be awesome. And January’s reading was pretty cool.

First off, I read The Midnight Thief, by Livia Blackburne, which of course started my whole Deep Worldbuild Project blog series. This book was amazingly written. You know how occasionally you’ll read a book that was so good you can’t find any more reading for the next month because it was so amazing and nothing else is “good enough”? This was one of those. I highly recommend it.

I also finished The Silmarillion, by Tolkien. I started this one back in March-ish of last year, and I finally finished it in late January. It’s a really interesting book, just slow to get through. :P

And this month I reread The Door Within, by Wayne Thomas Batson, who is probably my favorite author. He’s awesome. You should check out his books. They’re amazing. I’ve now reread The Door Within three times.

I started a couple other books, too, that I sent back to the library after just a couple chapters. Usually I try to finish books I start, even if they’re bad, but… I don’t have a lot of grace left over for this particular author. I started Eye of Minds by James Dashner. It could have been good, maybe, if I hadn’t already read the entire Maze Runner series and gotten rather irritated at him and his writing errors (you can read my review post here), but as it was I wasn’t real excited about a book with the same type of “good” organization controlling the MC. No thanks.

On the other hand, I also read The Fever Code in January, and despite making me want to punch the “good” organization in the face the entire time, the book was fairly enjoyable. I like Newt even more now.

January’s Writing

I actually wrote quite a bit in January, and mostly on a story that I’m currently calling Rebellion Ever After. (It would still be called “fairytale retelling” if not for my friend Val, so thanks to her.)

In addition to that, I also wrote some on a rewrite of an oooooooold story of mine called The Half-Elves, which is rather bittersweet. On the one hand, the writing is significantly better because I started this thing seven and a half years ago and finished the first draft three and a half years ago, so my writing is a lot better now. On the other hand, it’s developing better now as well, which means that a couple of important pieces in the original might not even happen in the rewrite.

Other than that I did a little bit of writing in several other WIPs, as well as blogging more (yay!), but overall January wasn’t particularly productive.

February’s Writing

February has only been here for four days and it has already been more productive (or it felt more productive, at least) than January. Most of that, I believe, is thanks to myWriteClub, which I discovered a few days ago thanks to one of my favorite blogs, which was formerly known as She’s Novel and is now called Well-Storied. myWriteClub is a goal-setting site made specifically for writers. You can set goals by number of words, chapters, pages, etc., and you can set up a jillion of them at once. I currently have eight of them up, with all but three of them being novels.

So this month I’ve worked on both Rebellion Ever After and The Half-Elves some more, as well as working on other projects of mine like The Masked Captain, The Lowlines, and the second draft of House of Mages (tedious, but hopefully worth it).

February’s Goals

I am known for setting myself more goals than I can realistically hit, but if you aim for the sun you may get to the moon, even if you don’t get to the sun, and you wouldn’t have even gotten that far if you’d only aimed for the other side of the world. That’s not an amazing analogy, but oh well. Hopefully it got the point across, at least.

So, my goals for this month are mostly writing related. I want to hit the halfway point, at least, with all of my projects by the end of February. My deadline for all of them is the end of March, and I think this is totally doable. Especially since one of my New Year’s goals was to write two thousand words each day. If I write one thousand on each of even just two projects each day, I’m well on my way. Not that I expect to actually be able to stick to that super well. But one can hope, right?

I’d also like to finish the books I’m reading: Spindle by Shonna Slayton, The Rise of the Wyrm Lord by Wayne Thomas Batson, and Virals by Kathy Reichs. I’m reading a couple other books, too, but I know I can’t realistically expect to finish them all by the end of February.

I’d also like to write at least one blog post per week, if not more often. Starting, of course, with today’s posts. I’m thinking of doing a short post about one of my WIPs each of the next eight days (today included), but I don’t know if y’all would be interested in those. So comment below and let me know if you’re interested in that. Each post would have a synopsis (and probably a not-so-great one since I’ve never been amazing at synopses), and a short description of each of the main characters, what the current word count is, what I find most interesting about it, I don’t know. Just random fun facts, maybe some excerpts. I’m not entirely sure yet what those posts would entail. So maybe let me know what interests you in a post like that. I want you guys to enjoy these, I don’t want to just blog because it’s a thing writers do, or something. So let me know what you like to read on a blog and what you like to read about and stuff and I’ll try to write interesting posts. :)